Allah is imprinted in my heart. I cannot forget Him, nor has He ever forgotten me. Sometimes, I become negligent of His blessings and mercy, but never will He change, for He is Allah the greatest and most-merciful. Having Allah in my heart and tongue is the greatest pleasure of this life. It is the only love, guidance, and presence that never leaves me. Allah is the only one who listens to me and answers me. He always answers my prayer in the best way. He is never too quick to judge us, but always quick in rewarding us. I love you Allah. Please make me firm in your path!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Allah will reward you greatly for your patience ^^,

Assalamualaikum readers...

   entry kali ni for every sister who didn't get married yet and is afraid of what people may say about her. Don’t worry my dear sister, marriage is Rizq @ Rezeki (provision) from Allah and He will surely grant it to you when He wills it and not when you want it. Don’t care of what people may say about you, remember that Maryam (‘alaiha salam) never got married and she is the only woman who has a whole Surah with her name! So if not having a husband is a defect, she wouldn't have been mentioned in Qur’an!

  Tak kawin is not a flaw or a defect but not maintaining chastity is. The real defect is that a woman doesn't preserve her purity and chastity. I'm not encouraging to not get married, rather I'm informing you that marriage is not the end. Allah will bless us with marriage when the time is right.Remember.. when the time is right..Put your hopes in Allah, and prepare yourself to be a great spouse.

   Be patient and be sure that Allah will reward you greatly for your patience at the end. This Dunya is not about men or getting married but about submitting your will peacefully to Allah and accept whatever He decrees for you.

wallahua'lam.. ^^,

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salam semua!

tiada kenikmatan seorang hamba yg lebih baik setelah kenikmatan islam selain kenikmatan memperoleh teman soleh,
yang bila lupa akan mengingatkan dan bila ingat ia akan membantunya... dan alangkah bahagianya orang yang dikurniakan teman yang mencintainya kerana Allah Taala.. sesungguhnya... kasihku seorang sahabat ikhlas buatmu kerana Allah s.w.t.. salam ukwahfillah..

with them.

with them.
sweet moment, Taman Hutan Lagenda Gunung Ledang. January 2014